
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Manual SQL INJECTION :::Step By Step

Manual SQL INJECTION :::Step By Step 

Things Required :1.SQL Vulnerable Website (OfCourse :P)2.Pateince3.Brain xD !

The beauty of searching for targets is a lot easier than it sounds, the most commonmethod of searching is (Dorks). Dorks are an input query into a search engine (Google) whichattempt to find websites with the given texxt provided in the dork itself. So navigate toGoogle and copy the following into the search box:

inurl:"products.php?prodID="This search will return websites affiliated with Google with "products.php?prodID=" withinthe URL.You can find a wide range of dorks to use by searching the forum.I advise you to create your own dorks, be original, but at the same time unique, think ofsomething to use that not many people would have already searched and tested.An example of a dork I would make up:inurl:"/shop/index.php?item_id=" & ""So using your own dorks isn't a bad thing at all, sometimes your dorks wont work, nevermindeven I get it..

Testing Targets for VulnerabilitiesIt's important that this part's done well. I'll explain this as simply as I can.After opening a URL found in one of your dork results on Google you now need to test the

site if it's vulnerable to SQL injection.

Example:http: //

To test, just simply add an asterik ' at the end of the URL

Example:http: //'

How to tell if the sites vulnerable:- Missing text, images, spaces or scripts from the original page.- Any kind of typical SQL error (fetch_array) etc.

So if the website you're testing produces any of the above then the site is unfortunately

vulnerable, which is where the fun starts.

Finding Columns & the Vulnerable ColumnsAs I noted in the first section of the tutorial I advise you do pretty much everythingmanually with SQL injection, so by using the following commands (providing they're followedcorrectly) you will begin to see results in no time

Example:http: //'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^IF THE SITE IS VULNERABLERefer to the following to checking how many columns there are.(order+by) the order by function tells the database to order columns by an integer (digite.g. 1 or 2), no errors returned means the column is there, if there's an error returned thecolumn isnt there < No < No < No < ERROR

From using order+by+ command and incremating the number each time until the pagedisplays an error is the easiest method to find vulnerable columns, so from the examplesabove when attempting to order the columns by 4 there's an error, and so column 4 doesn'texist, so there's 3 columns.

Finding Vulnerable ColumnsOk so let's say we were working on the site I used above, which has 3 columns. We now needto find out which of those three coluns are vulnerable. Vulnerable columns allow us tosubmit commands and queries to the SQL database through the URL. (union+select)Selects all columns provided in the URL and returns the value of the vulnerable column e.g.

2.,2,3The site should refresh, not with an error but with some content missing and a number isdisplayed on the page, either 1, 2 or 3 (as we selected the three columns in the above URLto test for column vulnerability).Sometimes the page will return and look completely normal, which isn't a problem. Some sitesyou are required to null the value you're injecting into.In simpler terms, the =23 you see in the above URL after Client_id must be nulled in orderto return with the vulnerable column. So we simply put a hyphen (minus sign) before the 23like so: -23

So the URL should now look something like this:,2,3

Now that should work, let's say the page refreshes and displays a 2 on the page, thus 2being the vulnerable column for us to inject into.

Obtaining the SQL VerisonEasier said than done, using the information found in the above sections e.g. amount ofcolumns and the vulnerable column. We now use a command (@@version) and in some casesa series of commands to determine what the SQL version is on the current site. Version 4 orversion 5. See the example below to view what a URL should look like when the versioncommand has been inserted into the URL replacing the number 2 as 2 is the vulnerable columnin the example site.,@@version,3

What you need to look for is a series of numbers e.g:5.0.89-community4.0.45-log

If the above failes and the site just returns an error or displays normally then we need touse the convert function in order for the server to understand the command, don't worrythough this is usually the only thing you need to convert and it's on a rare occasion wherethis is the case.

So, if the example site returned an error we need to replace @@version with the convert()

function:convert(@@version using latin1)

So the example site will now look like,convert(@@version using latin1),3

Now if the page still decides to not return the error then the query must be hexxed:unhex(hex(@@version))

So the example site will now look like,unhex(hex(@@version)),3

Depending on which version the SQL server it is, whether it be 4, or 5 the queries forobtaining data from both versions are different, version 4 and 5 tables are explained below

Version 4- 1. Obtaining Tables and Columns

You will notice that obtaining tables and columns from version 4 MySQL servers is a littlemore time consuming and confusing at times as we have to guess pretty much everyhing.Because version 5 is more up to date and has information_schema which the database andtables are stored in, MySQL version 4 doesn't.Providing the MySQL version of the website is 4, we must do the following.

So, back to the example,@@version,3

We must now go back to the original URL which,2,3

This is where the guessing begins, we need to guess table names.How can we tell if the table name I guess exists?The same as where we tested for the amount of columns.If no error is produced then the table guessed exists.Is there is an error then the table guessed doesn't exist, so just try another.So we use the (from) command followed by the table name you are looking to seeexists.,2,3 from admin

Usual tables most people search for consist of obtaining user data, so again, be creativejust like with the dorks, common table names I use:

tbl_user, tbl_admin, tbl_access, user, users, member, members, admin, admins, customer, customers, orders, phpbb_users, phpbb_admins

So if we tried the following as an example:,2,3 from admin^^^Error,2,3 from user^^^Error,2,3 from users^^^^^No Error

Now which table do you think exists..?The table users exists

We are now required to guess column names from the existing table. So thinking logically,which labelled columns within this table would represent data? Columns such as:first_name, last_name, email, username, password, pass, user_id^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Typical columns found in the users table.

So we now must think back to which column is vulnerable (in this case 2) and so we'll usethe URL and replace 2 with the column name you are attempting to see if exists in the users

table. Let's try a few of the typicals listed,f_name,3 from users^^^^Error,l_name,3 from users^^^Error,address1,3 from users^^^Error,email,3 from users^^^^^No Error

From the above we can clearly see that the column email exists within the table users, thepage should return displaying data (most probably an email address) or the data you areextracting i.e if you pulled password from users and the column exists the first passwordwithin that column will be displayed on screen.

2. CommandsFrom here we will be able to use certain commands to determine the amount of data we pullfrom the database or which exact record you wish to pull from a column.concat()We will now use the concat() function to extract data from multiple columns if only onecolumn is vulnerable, in this case remembering back the vulnerable column is 2, so we canonly query in within this space.

Command: concat(columnname1,0x3a,columnname2)0x3a is the hex value of a semi-colon : so the output data from the query will be displayed

like:this,concat(email,0x3a,password),3 from users

The above will output the first email and password found in the table.


We will now use the group_concat() function to group all data from one column and displaythem on one page. Same as the above concat() command just grouping all records together and displaying them as one.,group_concat(email,0x3a,pass),3 from

usersNow the above should return ALL e-mails and passwords listed in the email and passwordscolumn within the users table.

limit 0,1The limit command is somewhat useful if you're looking for a specific data record. Say forinstance we wanted to obtain the 250th record for emails in the table users. We would use:limit 250,1 Thus displaying the 250th e-mail within the data.,email,3+from+users+limit+250,1

Version 5- 1. Obtaining Table Names

Now after that painstaking version 4 malakey lol, we're onto version 5, the easiest andquickest version of MySQL to hack, so many things are already done for you, so realise thepossibilities and be imaginative.Obtaining table names for version 5 MySQL servers is simple, using information_schema.tables

< For table extraction

So, example of the URL from earlier, but imagine it is now version 5,table_name,3+from+information_schema.tables

The above URL will display only the first table name which is listed in the database

information_schema. So using group_concat()just like in version 4 works with the same principle.,group_concat(table_name),3 from information_schema.tables

We should now be able to see all the tables listed on one page, sometimes the last tableswill be cut off the end because a portion of the page will be covered in table names frominformation_schema which aren't useful for us so really, I usually prefer to display tablenames from the primary database rather than information_schema, we can do the following by

using the +where+table_schema=database() command:where => A query for selectiontable_schema => Schema of tables from a databasedatabase() => In context the primary database, just leave it as it is.,group_concat(table_name),3+from+information_schema.tables+where+table_schema=database()

Example List of tables:About, Admin, Affiliates, Access, Customer, Users

Now all tables should be displayed from the primary database, take your pick and get readyto extract columns.

2. Obtaining Column Names from Table Names

Ok, suggesting from the above we decided to obtain column information from the table Admin.Using information_schema once again but this time we will be using:informaiton_schema.columnsinstead ofinformtion_schema.tables (as we want to extract columns now, not tables)The thing with obtaining column information is similar to the principle of obtaining columns in version 4, except we dont have to guess, once again just one command lists them all when combines with group_concat()

Command:Edit the vulnerable column (in this case 2) to:column_name instead of table_name

And the end of the URL to:+from+information_schema.columns where table_name=TableNameHEX,group_concat(column_name),3 from information_schema.columns where table_name=Admin

Now the above will return an error because of the way the command is used at the end of the URL (where table_name=Admin)We must HEX the table name, in this case AdminI use THIS website to for converting Text to Hex.

The HEX of Admin is: 41646d696eNow we must add 0x (MySQL integer) at the front of the HEX, which should now look like this: 0x41646d696eAnd pop it onto the end of the URL replacing Admin, so the URL should look something like the following.,group_concat(column_name),3 from information_schema.columns where table_name=0x41646d696e

Now all columns from the table Admin will be displayed on the page, just the same as version 4 we will use the same command to extract data from certain columns within the table.

Say for instance the following columns were displayed:username, password, id, admin_user

We would be able to do the same as version 4, replacing the vulnerable column (2) with a column name (one of the above) i.e. username and password using the concat() function.,concat(username,0x3a,password),3+from+Admin

Will display the first username and password data entries from the columns username and password in the table Admin.Now, Find the admin panel of the website, enter the user and password. Upload a shell and deface xD !!

Finding Admin Panel !There are many ways to find an admin table , but i will recommend according to my personal experience to USE HAVIJ 1.16 or above for FINDING an Admin Panel !

Thank You !


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